COP27: Side event "Innovative Conversion of Coal fired Power Plants"
In the framework of the COP27 held in Sharm El-Sheikh, the Energy Partnership set up a panel discussion to open the day of Energy Day (15.11.) on the challenges of decarbonisation and the ambitions of countries to achieve carbon neutrality. The discussion was approached holistically, in order to understand the climate challenges and legislative commitments, the international panorama and the implications that these processes have for fuel exporting countries, and then to analyse the technical alternative of reconversion through the "Carnot Battery" technology - a molten salt storage system - and a successful case of implementation by the company AES Andes (ALBA project).
In the event participated the Chilean Minister of Energy, Dr. Diego Pardow (MEN), Dr. Christine Falken-Grosser (BMWK), Dr. Pablo Hevia-Koch (IEA), Dr. Patrick Büker (GIZ), Stefano Giuliano (DLR) and Javier Dib (CEO of AES Andes).
You can watch the presentation "Carnot Battery: R&D approach and application in Chile" by Stefano Giuliano (German Aerospace Centre DLR) here:
Video: Presentation SE COP27 Innovative Conversion of Coal fired Power Plants