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1st Bilateral Meeting: Energy Partnership Chile-Alemania | COP25, Madrid

The first Bilateral Meeting of the Chile-Germany Energy Partnership took place in the context of the COP 25, the UNFCCC Climate Summit, held in Madrid. The partners exchanged more details about the lines of action of their energy policies. Both parties agree on relevant strategic issues such as decarbonization of the energy matrix and hydrogen, and therefore agreed on close cooperation. Representatives of the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and Chile's Ministry of the Environment also participated in the meeting.

The German-Chilean Energy Partnership became operational in April 2019. Partners are the German Ministry for Economy and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Chilean Ministry for Energy (ME). The Partnership has a full-time secretariat in Santiago de Chile.

Dr. Vera Rodenhoff (Head of Division at the German Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety BMU), Rainer Schröer (Energy Partnership, GIZ), Carlos Barria (Head of Energy Planning Division, Chilean Energy Ministry ME), Dr. Karsten Sach (Director for International and European Policy & Climate Policy, BMU), Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker (Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy BMWi), Gabriel Prudencio (Head of the Sustainable Energy Division, ME), Sebastian Herrera (Chief of Staff Undersecretary, ME), Christine Falken-Großer (Head of Division, BMWi), Dr. Toni Glaser (Bilateral Energy Cooperation, BMWi)