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1st Steering Committee Meeting: Energy Partnership Chile-Alemania | Video conference

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Chilean Ministry for Energy (ME) held a virtual meeting in the context of the Energy Partnership. Minister Juan Carlos Jobet and his heads of department discussed in the video conference with their German counterparts, led by state secretary Andreas Feicht. Together, the teams defined working lines and joint activities for this and the coming years and agreed to strengthen ties between the countries even more. Representatives of the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the Chilean Ministry of the Environment also participated in the meeting.

Among the topics that were identified is the role of green hydrogen as a key element to decarbonize. Furthermore, various opportunities for mutual learning in the process of phasing-out coal and phasing-in renewable energies have been encountered. For this purpose, two working groups were established, that will cooperate on innovative solutions for the renewable energy transition.

The German-Chilean Energy Partnership became operational in April 2019. Partners are the German Ministry for Economy and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Chilean Ministry for Energy (ME). The Partnership has a full-time secretariat in Santiago de Chile.

Karin Franzen (Bilateral Energy Partnerships, GIZ), Dr. Christine Falken-Großer (Head of Division Bilateral Energy Cooperation, BMWi), Andreas Feicht (State Secretary, BMWi), Ursula Borak (Deputy Director General for International Energy Affairs, BMWi), Wolfdieter Böhler (Head of Division Hydrogen Strategy, BMWi), Michael Leibrandt (Deputy Head of Division Hydrogen Strategy, BMWi), Julia Schweigger (International Cooperation Division Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Video conference as seen from Chile
Juan Carlos Jobet (Minister of Energy Chile), Thomas George Rollason (Department International Relations), Gabriel Prudencio (Head of Sustainable Energy Division), Nicolás Westenenk (Division Climate Change, Ministry of Environment), Rainer Schröer (Coordinator Programme 4e Chile), Carlos Barría (Head of Energy Planning and Climate Change Divisions), José Carrasco (Head of Energy Market Division), Santiago Vicuña (Head of Division for Participation and Social Dialogue), Felipe Díaz Bórquez (Division Climate Change, Ministry of Environment)
Video conference as seen from Germany