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2nd Roundtable EP (B2G) - Energy Group "Transmission"

In cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) the AHK Chile is implementing the Roundtable Energy Partnership. Within the framework of the German-Chilean Energy Partnership, relevant energy and technology topics are discussed here with German and Chilean participants.

The second round table "Transmission grids in Germany and Chile", with almost 50 participants, focused on decarbonization and electricity transmission and took place on on August 19, 2020.
Jaime Peralta, Advisor to the National Electricity Coordinator ( Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional), presented the 4 drivers for a sustainable energy transition in Chile: Decarbonization, Decentralization, Digitalization and Democratization. He highlighted the importance of the timely and efficient development of infrastructure.

Gustavo Labbé, Head of the Transmission Grid Unit of the Chilean Ministry of Energy, talked about the challenges of the expansion processes and presented transmission grid studies. "Never before in the planning process of electricity transmission the participative process and Strategic Environmental Assessment had been anticipated and considered through a legal mandate. For social and environmental sustainability, the early participation of communities is essential," he said.

Dennis Volk, Team Lead Network Infrastructure Development of the German Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur), reported on the German side's experience and the plan to expand the transmission and distribution network. "A good legal framework, an accurate permit process and adequate time availability are key in sectoral planning," he said.

At the end of the event, the participants met in virtual groups to exchange their views on the future development of electricity transmission.

Also see the webpage of the AHK Chile (CAMCHAL).