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4th Roundtable EP (B2G) - Energy Group "District Energy"

In cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) the AHK Chile is implementing the Roundtable Energy Partnership. Within the framework of the German-Chilean Energy Partnership, relevant energy and technology topics are discussed here with German and Chilean participants.

The fourth round table, this time on the topic "District Energy" took place on December 9, 2020.

Felipe Mellado Andías from Sustainable Energy Division of the Ministry of Energy presented the public policies for district energy in Chile. As part of this, he evaluated pilot projects in Temuco, Coyhaique and Puerto Williams. Then, Denisse Ramirez, Consultant for GIZ analyzed the national regulation for the development of district energy in Chile. In the following discussion on the German experience participated Werner R. Lutsch, General Manager of the Association of Energy Efficiency for Heating, Cooling and Cogeneration (AGFW). This Frankfurt-based association promotes energy efficiency, (district) heating, cooling and combined heat and power production in Germany nationally and internationally. "CHP combines efficiency, flexibility and renewability for the heating and electricity market, forming an intelligent and multifunctional instrument. Investments in these future-proof technologies must be made today to be effective in the next 60 years and provide security of supply to the population," the expert pointed out.

The next Roundtable within the framework of the Chile-Germany Energy Partnership will be held on April 28.

The Energy Partnership between Chile and Germany started in April 2019. The partners are the German Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Chilean Ministry of Energy.