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Criteria for sustainable green hydrogen

As countries and companies promote cleaner and renewable-based energy systems aiming towards climate protection, certification schemes that guarantee that the energy consumed actually comes from renewable sources become more relevant, especially in view of the imminent production of green hydrogen and its derivatives.

To discuss this issue, a comparative study was carried out to identify the certification schemes applied in Europe that are relevant for the production and import of green hydrogen and its derivatives. This study not only addresses the current discussion on this topic in Europe, but also analysed other certification schemes not specifically dedicated to hydrogen, which could help to define sustainability criteria that should be considered in future certification processes, analysing their coverage and relevance along the whole value chain of green hydrogen and its derivatives.

Currently, many of the relevant sustainability criteria identified in the study are not covered by hydrogen certification schemes. However, taking these sustainability criteria into account at an early stage will be crucial to ensure the successful implementation and operation of green hydrogen projects, and the study can serve as detailed guidance for project developers, as well as for governmental institutions, companies in charge of the certification process, and other stakeholders.