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2nd Steering Committee

2nd Steering Committee Meeting: Energy Partnership Chile-Alemania

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Chilean Ministry for Energy (ME) held their second annual high-level political in the context of the Energy Partnership on March 17, 2021. Chilean Minister Juan Carlos Jobet and State Secretary Andreas Feicht met in the video conference to confirm established working lines and plan joint activities for this year.

It was decided to continue the successful exchange on the focus topics digitalization, energy efficiency and green hydrogen in the two working groups "Coal Phase-out, Renewables Phase-in" and "Carbon Neutral Innovations". Both sides stressed that - if possible - political and technical delegations to both Germany and Chile should be realised.
Representatives of the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), the Federal Foreign Office (AA), the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Relations and the Chilean Ambassador in Germany, Cecilia Mackenna, also participated in the meeting.

The German-Chilean Energy Partnership became operational in April 2019. Partners are the German Ministry for Economy and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Chilean Ministry for Energy (ME). The Partnership has a full-time secretariat in Santiago de Chile.

Chilean Minister for Energy and Mining, Juan Carlos Jobet
German State of Secretary at the BMWI, Andreas Feicht