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Green Hydrogen Regulation Challenges

Energy Partnership Chile-Alemania holds virtual workshop

Originally, Chilean Energy Minister Juan Carlos Jobet was supposed to meet with German hydrogen players at the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue past March. One week later, German companies had planned to travel to Santiago for talks about the future green hydrogen market in Chile and its regulatory framework. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, however, virtual ways to carry out the conversation had to be found.

Hence, the Energy Partnership (GIZ) in the name of the Chilean Ministry of Energy invited six German companies to a virtual workshop on April 2nd. The purpose of this meeting was for participants from both countries to gain a deeper understanding about regulatory policy approaches and the international experiences that the companies had made. Among the desires the private actors expressed were reduced network tariffs for green H2 production as well as clarity and expedience in environmental evaluation matters. The Chilean Ministry was on display with their Divisions for Energy Planning, Climate Change, Energy Market and the International Relations Office. On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Dr Christine Falken-Grosser, Head Division Bilateral Energy Cooperation, participated among others. Moreover, the Fuel Systems Department at the Chilean Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels (SEC) presented about the state of regulation in Chile and open questions. The opportunities to collaborate with Germany as an essential partner in exploring export and import of green hydrogen and its derivatives were highlighted. After the productive exchange, the Chilean Ministry invited the company‘s representatives to stay involved in elaborating Chile’s Hydrogen Strategy via round tables.