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Green Hydrogen Summit 2022

The plenary session of the fourth edition of the Green Hydrogen Summit, recognised as the largest hydrogen event in Latin America, took place on 19 January 2022. This event brought together policy makers and representatives from the business sector, who discussed the challenges to boost green hydrogen markets at national and international level.

The first panel of the day focused on the international trade of green hydrogen and the role of traders. Here, the panellists analysed whether green hydrogen certified as sustainable could fetch premium prices in the recent hydrogen market. Dr. Christine Falken-Großer from the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action, BMWK, presented the H2Global instrument to stimulate the market in Panel 1. Other panels of the day focused on the role hydrogen can play in the energy transition in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the opportunities for startups in this new field.

In parallel, a virtual technology fair was held, where attendees could interact with technology providers, project developers, public sector representatives, and multilateral support organisations, or organise bilateral B2B meetings.

The virtual fair and plenary session panels are available to the general public.