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Impact of COVID19 on Energy Policy Measures

Energy Partnership Chile-Alemania holds virtual meeting

“The COVID-19 pandemic is a health crisis, not an energy crisis”, said Ursula Borak, Deputy Director General International Energy Affairs (BMWK) at a virtual meeting between the Chilean and the German energy ministries on April 23rd. Both governments have taken preventive and reactive measures to ensure system operations’ stability in the energy sector. Energy markets and systems are full operational. Despite the economically uncertain times, Germany and Chile underline that they are staying on track with their ambitious energy transformation plans. "Ten of 28 of our coal power plants will be phased-out by 2024", Javiera Aldunate, Head of International Relations Office of the Chilean Ministry, affirmed on the conference call. Chile also highlighted its updated NDCs, Germany emphasized the European Green New Deal, while both countries continue to develop their national hydrogen strategies.

  • Find the NDCs that Chile has submitted to the UNFCC in English here.
  • Find the presentation NDC and Carbon Neutrality Plan by the Chilean Ministry of Energy in English here.

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