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Side Events | COP25, Madrid

Having the COP 25, the UNFCCC Climate Summit held in Madrid, the Energy Partnership Chile-Alemania was in charge of two Side Events:


International stakeholders and decision makers of the global Energy Transition or “Energiewende” discussed current policies, plans and strategies that are needed in order to decarbonise the energy sector further and make it comply with the goals of the Paris agreement. What is “the way ahead” for the global energy transition? The event critically assessed not only the German Energywende, but the global transformation, too. Participants exchanged best-practice examples, the do’s and dont’s of energy transitions and about how to further progress towards sustainable energy systems.

Maria Fernanda Suarez Londoño, Minister of Mining & Energy, Colombia
Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker, Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany
Andrew McAlllister, Commissioner, Californian Energy Commission, USA
Anders Hoffmann, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Denmark
Claudio Seebach, Executive Chairman, Generators of Chile

Moderator: Antonella Battaglini, CEO, Renewables Grid Initiative

Panel ENERGIEWENDE ─ THE WAY AHEAD: Claudio Seebach (Executive Chairman, Generadoras de Chile), Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker (Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany), Andrew McAlllister (Commissioner, Californian Energy Commission, USA), Antonella Battaglini (CEO, Renewables Grid Initiative), Anders Hoffmann (Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Denmark), Maria Fernanda Suarez Londoño (Minister of Mining & Energy, Colombia)
Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker (Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany), Maria Fernanda Suarez Londoño (Minister of Mining & Energy, Colombia)
Andrew McAlllister (Commissioner, Californian Energy Commission, USA), Anders Hoffmann (Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Denmark)


The side event brought together representatives from national and subnational governments and civil society to discuss how to make a coal exit socially acceptable, ensuring financial stability and security of supply of the countries in a post-coal era.
At the same time, and against the background of the fact that a number of countries have committed themselves to progressively phasing-out electricity production from coal and lignite, including Germany until 2038 latest , this side-event aimed to shed light on developing best-practice strategies for the phasing-out of coal in different countries around the globe.

Juan Carlos Jobet, Minister of Energy, Chile
Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker, Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany
Andreas Pinkwart, Minister for Energy, State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Mahi Sideridou, Managing Director, Europe Beyond Coal

Moderator: Katja Eisbrenner, Director Energy, Navigant Germany

Panel COAL-EXIT STRATEGIES: Katja Eisbrenner (Director Energy, Navigant Germany), Andreas Pinkwart (Minister for Energy, State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany), Juan Carlos Jobet (Minister of Energy, Chile), Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker, (Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany), Mahi Sideridou (Managing Director, Europe Beyond Coal)
Juan Carlos Jobet (Minister of Energy, Chile), Marlen Görner (Global Carbon Market, GIZ Chile), Rainer Schröer (Head Programme 4e Renewable energy and energy efficiency, GIZ Chile)