Climate Task Force Carbon Neutrality 2050 and Mitigation
Task Force "Carbon neutrality 2050 and mitigation in the energy sector"
On March 29th 2023, at the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue, the Chilean Minister of Energy, Dr. Diego Pardow Lorenzo, and the German Minister of Economics and Climate Action, Dr. Robert Habeck, signed a joint declaration to deepen their cooperation in a context of increasing global climate crisis.
Both sides share a growing interest in strengthening cooperation in this field and creating a specific platform focused on achieving their ambitious national climate targets. Germany should achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. While Chile must be carbon neutral by 2050 at the latest, according to the Framework Law on Climate Change enacted in 2022. This law puts Chile in the position to be one of the first countries that directly links climate action with the energy sector.

Second Meeting
The second Task Force meeting was held on 26 January 2022, where the perception of future green hydrogen consumers on the sustainability criteria provided by the investigation was discussed. Among the conclusions, the relevance of labour rights in producer countries and the future price of CO2 were ruled out. In addition, CORFO presented the results of the funding competition for hydrogen projects in Chile.

Third Meeting
The third meeting of the Task Force was held on 13 June 2022 in the context of a delegation of political, industrial and research representatives led by Parliamentary State Secretary Franziska Brantner of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) to Chile. The Task Force exchange on German and Chilean green hydrogen policy and international H2 projects was led by Dr. Christine Falken-Grosser, Head of the Bilateral Energy Cooperation Division of the BMWK and Beatriz Hernandez, Head of the International Affairs Office of the Chilean Ministry of Energy, with the presence of professional experts from the New Energy Unit.