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8th Roundtable EP (B2G) - Energy Group "Energy Storage"

In cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) the AHK Chile is implementing the Roundtable Energy Partnership. Within the framework of the German-Chilean Energy Partnership, relevant energy and technology topics are discussed here with German and Chilean participants.

The eight roundtable, this time on the topic "Energy Storage" took place on November 17th, 2021.

For the first presentation, Francisco Martinez-Conde del Campo, Head of Regulatory Support Unit at the Chilean Ministry of Energy, contextualized the Chilean climate goals and their challenges, highlighting coal pase out as the most relevant. To be able to replace the 40% of the energy mix that coal now provides, he explained, energy storage solutions must be applied. His presentation concluded with an explanation of the changes that current regulation will experience, as well as new regulation regarding energy transmission.

Afterwards, Markus Rosenthal, Head of Policy and Regulation at the German The Energy Storage System Association (BVES), presented on the topic "Energy Storage in Germany and within the EU", referring to the work of the BVES, the challenge of decentralization of the German energy system, and the differences between the European and German definitions of energy storage, detailing what this difference entails and its effects on energy storage technologies prices.

Lastly, Dr. Matthias Vetter from the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, explained in his presentation "Battery Storage: Key Enabler for Large-scale Grid Integration of Renewables" the benefits of a robust energy storage system, such as how energy storage could be used in moments of above-normal energy production to relieve the transmission system and prevent cable congestion, using the smart district of Weinsberg as an example of them.

During the question-and-answer session and the panel discussion, the participants showed great interest in the topics, asking questions such as whether distrubuted systems would benefit from the Chilean capacity payment programs, and if Weinsberg's model could be applied in other countries.

The Energy Partnership between Chile and Germany started in April 2019. The partners are the German Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Chilean Ministry of Energy.