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‘Haru Oni’ PtX project Chile

Minister Altmaier Hands Over First Approval Notice for International Green H2 Project

Today, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Peter Altmaier handed over an approval notice for €8.23 million in funding for a green hydrogen project in Chile to the CEO of Siemens Energy, Mr Christian Bruch. This makes the ‘Haru Oni’ PtX project the first hydrogen-related project under the National Hydrogen Strategy to receive funding from the stimulus package.

Said Federal Minister Altmaier: “German companies are at the very forefront of global hydrogen technologies. The ‘Haru Oni’ project is a good example of this. The project demonstrates that it is possible to sustainably produce green hydrogen and its derivatives with the help of the latest technologies ‘Made in Germany’, for instance in Chile. The ‘Haru Oni’ PtX project translates innovative technologies and processes fresh from the lab right into application. The objective is to implement these technologies on an industrial scale. In providing funding for this project, we are strengthening Germany as a centre of industry and exports.

Beyond this, ‘Haru Oni’ is a key element in the implementation of our National Hydrogen Strategy. As we ramp up hydrogen production for the market, we are counting not only on a strong domestic market for these products, but also on pilot projects conducted by our industry in our partner countries. It is there that green hydrogen and its derivatives can be produced efficiently and at a low cost. Our energy partnership with Chile was not forged until 2019, but we can already see that this very good cooperation is successful.”


The ‘Haru Oni’ hydrogen/PtX project is being developed by Siemens Energy in the south of Chile. It uses wind power to produce hydrogen and produces a climate-neutral fuel from the CO2 generated in the process and captured from the air. It is the world’s first integrated commercial installation for the production of climate-neutral fuel. There are several international partners involved in the project in addition to Siemens Energy, including Porsche AG, which purchases the synthetic fuel.

The National Hydrogen Strategy was published by the Federal Government in June 2020. Hydrogen is regarded as a key priority for the realisation of the energy transition, particularly in some industrial and transport sectors where it is difficult to cut emissions.

Within the stimulus and future package approved by the Federal Government’s Coalition Committee, a total of €9 billion is earmarked for the implementation of the National Hydrogen Strategy, including €2 billion for international projects in selected partner countries. 

Peter Altmaier (Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy)
Dr. Christian Bruch (CEO Siemens Energy)
Dr. Oliver Blume (CEO Porsche)