Media Elements
- 2024_10_AgriPV_PolicyBrief_Fraunhofer-GIZ-USM__web_HQ_.pdf (1 MB, PDF)
- Infografía: ¿Qué es la EnergyPartnership Chile-Alemania? (9 MB, PDF)
- The Role of Energy Storage in Chile's Energy Transition Process and the Factors Influencing its Development (476 KB, PDF)
- Análisis del rol del almacenamiento en el proceso de transición energética de Chile y los factores que influyen en su desarrollo (6 MB, PDF)
- Analysis of Climate Resilient Infrastructure for the Energy Sector (735 KB, PDF)
- Análisis de Infraestructura resiliente a la crisis climática para el sector energético (7 MB, PDF)
- Principales implicancias de la conexión de proyectos de hidrógeno en sistemas medianos (3 MB, PDF)
- Evaluación de los efectos del cambio climático en la proyección de demanda energética a nivel nacional (3 MB, PDF)
- Modelling and forecasting the impacts of climate change on energy demand (562 KB, PDF)
- Regulation and standards for projects in the field of heating and cooling (695 KB, PDF)
- "H2 Business Guide" - Bilateral Energy Partnerships BMWK (4 MB, PDF)
- "Requirements for the production and export of green-sustainable hydrogen" (3 MB, PDF)
- "Cogeneration with Hydrogen Combustion Engines" (987 KB, PDF)
- "Analysis of Carbon Capture for the Production of Synthetic Fuels in Chile" (4 MB, PDF)
- Executive summary: "Analysis of Carbon Capture for the Production of Synthetic Fuels in Chile" (611 KB, PDF)
- "Conditions and Opportunities of Green Hydrogen Trade from Chile to Germany and Japan" (538 KB, PDF)
- "Technical Guideline - Energy Efficiency in the Pulp and Paper Industry" (6 MB, PDF)
- Phasing Out Coal in Chile and Germany – A Comparative Analysis (4 MB, PDF)
- Energy Transition and Entrepreneurship (Opportunities Start-Ups) (8 MB, PDF)
- 1st Call for the Financing of Green H2 Projects in Chile (1 MB, PDF)
- Factsheet Energy Efficiency in Germany and Chile (389 KB, PDF)
- Factsheets Digitalization in the Energy Sector (8 MB, PDF)
- Prospection in Energy Digitalization in Chile (5 MB, PDF)
- German National Hydrogen Strategy (990 KB, PDF)
- Chilean National Green Hydrogen Strategy (10 MB, PDF)
- Carbon Neutrality and NDCs (Chilean Ministry of Energy) (890 KB, PDF)
- Chilean NDC mitigation proposal: Methodological approach and supporting ambition (8 MB, PDF)
- German Sustainable Heating Solutions (3 MB, PDF)
- German-Chilean Energy Partnership (344 KB, PDF)
- German Sustainable Heating Solutions (3 MB, PDF)
- Blockchain meets Energy. Digital Solutions for a Decentralized and Decarbonized Sector (4 MB, PDF)
- CH2ILE – The Hidden Hydrogen Champion. A Redemption Story for Chile's Economy. (4 MB, PDF)