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CEGEN LAC 2023 Latin American Conference

Capacities for Change, Empowerment, Gender and Energy

Latin America and the Caribbean is one of the regions most vulnerable to climate change, and its effects could trigger major impacts on the population.

An energy transition in line with the times must consider all the associated political, economic, social and environmental variables, emphasizing those segments most affected. Thus, the inclusion of the gender perspective is fundamental, since the impact of climate change affects women and girls in a differentiated and disproportionate way.

In this context, the Energy Partnership Chile-Germany together with the Chilean Ministry of Energy, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) organized the First Latin American Conference CEGEN LAC 2023 (Capacities for Change, Empowerment, Gender and Energy), whose objective was to create spaces for reflection and discussion on the educational, economic and academic participation of women in the energy sector in the region.

On May 10, the first and largest conference on gender and energy in Latin America and the Caribbean was held in Santiago, Chile, which sought to create spaces for reflection and construction of public and private proposals aimed at increasing the participation of women in this sector.

The event was led by Michelle Bachelet, former President of Chile, and Brigitte Baptiste, rector of the Universidad EAN in Colombia and a leader in gender diversity in the region. The event's program included talks and panels on topics such as gender, human rights, labor, climate change and STEAM education, as well as the presentation of a study on gender barriers in the energy sector.

You can read a review of the conference on the website of the platform H2LAC:
Conferencia CEGEN LAC abordó los desafíos de la igualdad de género en energía – H2LAC

¡The next conference CEGEN LAC will be held 2024, in México!

Video: CEGEN LAC 2023 – Cierre & México 2024

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Video: CEGEN LAC 2023 (ES)

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Video: Conferencia Latinoamericana CEGEN LAC 2023

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Video: Conferencia Latinoamericana CEGEN LAC 2023 (Video II)

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